Linki 2019-11-23

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  1. Foundations for the Study of Software Architecture
  2. Software Architecture
  3. Fibers under the magnifying glass
  4. Jungle: Towards Dynamically Adjustable Key-Value Store by Combining LSM-Tree and Copy-On-Write B+-Tree
  5. The New Kingmakers How Developers Conquered the World
  6. Pi4 USB-C Gadget
  7. GraphQL Crash Course (in 10 pics!)
  8. 10 superpowers HTML5 gives you (and you are not using)
  9. 12 Common Mistakes and Missed Optimization Opportunities in SQL
  10. 63 Cores Blocked by Seven Instructions
  11. a fast and friendly git client for Mac and Windows
  12. A feature complete and high performance multi-group Raft library in Go
  13. A reason for unexplained connection timeouts on Kubernetes/Docker
  14. Accelerating cloud-native application development in the enterprise
  15. Admin Dashboards
  16. All you need to know about caching for serverless applications
  17. An always-available, online-capable Raspberry Pi in your pocket
  18. An intern’s experience with Rust
  19. Apple Successfully Implements OpenID Connect with Sign In with Apple Recently updated !
  20. Architecture with 800 of My Closest Friends: The Evolution of Comcast’s Architecture Guild
  21. As IBM and Google disagree on quantum computing achievement, applications are still years away
  22. Attacking default installs of Helm on Kubernetes
  23. Awesome-Selfhosted
  24. AWS Elasticsearch: a fundamentally-flawed offering
  25. Backblaze Hard Drive Stats Q3 2019
  26. Ben Brostoff
  27. Benchmarking Envoy Proxy, HAProxy, and NGINX Performance on Kubernetes
  28. Beyond the cloud: Docker containers in space
  29. Building a Large-scale Distributed Storage System Based on Raft
  30. Cache Poisoned Denial of Service
  31. cli-progress-animation
  32. Containers in 2019: They’re Calling it a [Hypervisor] Comeback
  33. CppCon 2019: Bjarne Stroustrup “C++20: C++ at 40”
  34. data Blog = Blog { me :: Programmer, posts :: [Opinion] }
  35. Data Structures Part 3: Arrays of arrays
  36. Decorators in Go using embedded structs
  37. Developer Tools for Kubernetes
  38. Developing Applications on Multi-tenant Clusters With Flux and Kustomize
  39. Development tools for GitHub Actions
  40. Dial up server
  41. Dreyfus model of skill acquisition
  42. dwmkerr/hacker-laws
  43. Eight Habits of Expert Software Designers: An Illustrated Guide
  44. Enterprise Software Is Dead
  45. Events, the DNA of Kubernetes
  46. Evolutionary Architecture
  47. expose local servers to the internet using SSH
  48. Facebook and Microsoft Partnering on Remote Development
  49. Five guilty pleasures only developers know
  50. Go Goroutines and Apis
  51. Go interfaces, the tricky parts
  52. Golang Sucks
  53. High-skilled workers in small towns are a ‘waste of resources,’ says controversial Princeton study
  54. How Does Alibaba Ensure the Performance of System Components in a 10,000-node Kubernetes Cluster?
  55. How Expert Networks Work
  56. How much faster is Redis at storing a blob of JSON compared to PostgreSQL?
  57. How Reference Checks Can Go Wrong
  58. How to Survive when AWS, Azure, or GCP Becomes the Competition
  59. HTTP 451
  60. Interview with a Pornhub Web Developer
  61. Introducing Flan Scan: Cloudflare’s Lightweight Network Vulnerability Scanner
  62. Remote Work Encyclopedia
  63. It’s Okay To Store Data In Apache Kafka
  64. Kafka Spawns Open-Source KarelDB
  65. Killing Kafka: The Pitfalls of Over-architecting
  66. kubectl flags in your plugin
  67. Kubernetes 3rd Party Security Audit Findings · Issue #81146 · kubernetes/kubernetes
  68. Kubernetes made my latency 10x higher
  69. Kubernetes Networking: Behind the scenes
  70. Kubernetes networks solutions comparison
  71. Let’s Create a Simple Load Balancer With Go
  72. liyasthomas/postwoman
  73. Local-first software: you own your data, in spite of the cloud
  74. Making faster: Part 3
  75. Mariusz Ferdyn
  76. micro/go-micro
  77. Monorepo or Multirepo? Role-Based Repositories
  78. MVPs and $100k AWS Bills: Reflections on the launch of Octopus Cloud 1.0
  79. introduction and first set of iterations
  80. Object-Oriented Programming and Essential State — The Art of Machinery
  81. Oracle demands $12K from network biz that doesn’t use its software
  82. Planting Tiny Spy Chips in Hardware Can Cost as Little as $200
  83. Podman and Buildah for Docker users
  84. Processing 40 TB of code from ~10 million projects with a dedicated server and Go for $100
  85. Programmers can’t write algorithms without help: once more about the interview
  86. Programming Languages InfoQ Trends Report - October 2019
  87. Remember Clusterman? Now It’s Open-Source, and Supports Kubernetes Too!
  88. RepairApp: A serverless overview
  89. ReSearchITEng/kubeadm-playbook
  90. Security assessment techniques for Go projects
  91. Server Streaming with gRPC and .NET Core
  92. Should I pick DigitalOcean or AWS for my next project?
  93. sloop - Kubernetes History Visualization
  94. So you want to learn Microservices?
  95. Software Engineering Genba
  96. Stateful Workloads and the Two Data Center Conundrum – Red Hat OpenShift Blog
  97. Staticcheck in Action
  98. Streamline 3.0
  99. Testing Cloudflare workers
  100. The 64 Milliseconds Manifesto
  101. The demise of docker and the rise of kubernetes
  102. The Difference Between Fault Tolerance, High Availability, & Disaster Recovery
  103. The End of Agile
  104. The Maturing of QUIC
  105. The naive myth of architecture as “free goodies”
  106. The pointlessness of daily standups
  107. The true architect’s way (AKA ShuHaRi)
  108. The Value in Go’s Simplicity
  109. This is hardly surprising at all. There used to be lots of complaints, both inte… : Hacker News
  110. Tools for turning descriptions into diagrams
  111. Top 12 LinkedIn profile tips in 2019 that you should implement right away
  112. uber-go/guide
  113. Unlike Babies, the Best Managers Come with Instructions
  114. Using Kustomize with Cluster API Manifests
  115. What is the German word for: “It only works when I try to show you how it does not work”?
  116. What nobody tells you about documentation
  117. Why Everyone Working in DevOps Should Read The Toyota Way
  118. Why software developers (quite honestly) hate Agile
  119. Working from Home
  120. Working with Errors in Go 1.13
  121. Would aliens understand lambda calculus?
  122. Yes, You Should Estimate Software Projects