Linki 2019-11-23
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- Foundations for the Study of Software Architecture
- Software Architecture
- Fibers under the magnifying glass
- Jungle: Towards Dynamically Adjustable Key-Value Store by Combining LSM-Tree and Copy-On-Write B+-Tree
- The New Kingmakers How Developers Conquered the World
kubernetes - turning things off and on again, at scale
— Ryan = ( 💻, 🥁, 🎉 ) (@decimalator) November 4, 2019News flash: most of my code never went live as projects were constantly canned. It was a strangely lucrative, low risk, deeply unsatisfying professional experience contracting in the late 1990’s.
— K8 (@kateMorris102) November 6, 2019- Pi4 USB-C Gadget
- GraphQL Crash Course (in 10 pics!)
If you don't understand how big AWS in Cloud, consider this metric:
— so called parody. (@cloud_opinion) November 8, 2019
AWS makes more money on re:Invent registration fees this year than Oracle+IBM cloud revenues.- 10 superpowers HTML5 gives you (and you are not using)
- 12 Common Mistakes and Missed Optimization Opportunities in SQL
- 63 Cores Blocked by Seven Instructions
- a fast and friendly git client for Mac and Windows
- A feature complete and high performance multi-group Raft library in Go
- A reason for unexplained connection timeouts on Kubernetes/Docker
- Accelerating cloud-native application development in the enterprise
- Admin Dashboards
- All you need to know about caching for serverless applications
- An always-available, online-capable Raspberry Pi in your pocket
- An intern’s experience with Rust
- Apple Successfully Implements OpenID Connect with Sign In with Apple Recently updated !
- Architecture with 800 of My Closest Friends: The Evolution of Comcast’s Architecture Guild
- As IBM and Google disagree on quantum computing achievement, applications are still years away
- Attacking default installs of Helm on Kubernetes
- Awesome-Selfhosted
- AWS Elasticsearch: a fundamentally-flawed offering
- Backblaze Hard Drive Stats Q3 2019
- Ben Brostoff
- Benchmarking Envoy Proxy, HAProxy, and NGINX Performance on Kubernetes
- Beyond the cloud: Docker containers in space
I'm pretty disappointed to see Knative forgo open governance.
— brendandburns (@brendandburns) October 1, 2019
The growth and user focus of Kubernetes, Helm and many others show that CNCF is a great home for open communities.
OSS is better if we work together in neutral spaces- Building a Large-scale Distributed Storage System Based on Raft
- Cache Poisoned Denial of Service
Confused by DNS Records? A, CNAME, ALIAS...
— Chris Achard (@chrisachard) October 28, 2019
Me too 😬
Let's change that! (cheatsheet at the end)
🔥 DNS Record crash course for web developers 👇- cli-progress-animation
- Containers in 2019: They’re Calling it a [Hypervisor] Comeback
- CppCon 2019: Bjarne Stroustrup “C++20: C++ at 40”
- data Blog = Blog { me :: Programmer, posts :: [Opinion] }
- Data Structures Part 3: Arrays of arrays
- Decorators in Go using embedded structs
- Developer Tools for Kubernetes
- Developing Applications on Multi-tenant Clusters With Flux and Kustomize
- Development tools for GitHub Actions
- Dial up server
- Dreyfus model of skill acquisition
- dwmkerr/hacker-laws
- Eight Habits of Expert Software Designers: An Illustrated Guide
- Enterprise Software Is Dead
- Events, the DNA of Kubernetes
- Evolutionary Architecture
- expose local servers to the internet using SSH
Open Core vs Open Source. I think Open Core is somewhat the Sharewares of Open Source. Now also, theses companies want to make money. Landscape changed: it's no longer a benevolent volunteer effort.
— Fabrice FACORAT (@willsalsa76) November 6, 2019- Facebook and Microsoft Partnering on Remote Development
- Five guilty pleasures only developers know
- Go Goroutines and Apis
- Go interfaces, the tricky parts
- Golang Sucks
- High-skilled workers in small towns are a ‘waste of resources,’ says controversial Princeton study
- How Does Alibaba Ensure the Performance of System Components in a 10,000-node Kubernetes Cluster?
- How Expert Networks Work
- How much faster is Redis at storing a blob of JSON compared to PostgreSQL?
- How Reference Checks Can Go Wrong
- How to Survive when AWS, Azure, or GCP Becomes the Competition
- HTTP 451
- Interview with a Pornhub Web Developer
- Introducing Flan Scan: Cloudflare’s Lightweight Network Vulnerability Scanner
- Remote Work Encyclopedia
- It’s Okay To Store Data In Apache Kafka
Colo servers, VMware,Linux hosts, Nginx load balancer, Microsoft SQL, Couchbase, ElasticSearch. Been operating over 20 years, at that time about $75M / year.. now vue/nuxt, AWS lambda and Fargate, Dynamo, Cloudfront, Algolia, up to about $250M / year
— Josh Deltener (@JoshDeltener) October 23, 2019- Kafka Spawns Open-Source KarelDB
- Killing Kafka: The Pitfalls of Over-architecting
- kubectl flags in your plugin
- Kubernetes 3rd Party Security Audit Findings · Issue #81146 · kubernetes/kubernetes
- Kubernetes made my latency 10x higher
- Kubernetes Networking: Behind the scenes
- Kubernetes networks solutions comparison
- Let’s Create a Simple Load Balancer With Go
- liyasthomas/postwoman
- Local-first software: you own your data, in spite of the cloud
- Making faster: Part 3
- Mariusz Ferdyn
- micro/go-micro
- Monorepo or Multirepo? Role-Based Repositories
- MVPs and $100k AWS Bills: Reflections on the launch of Octopus Cloud 1.0
- introduction and first set of iterations
- Object-Oriented Programming and Essential State — The Art of Machinery
- Oracle demands $12K from network biz that doesn’t use its software
- Planting Tiny Spy Chips in Hardware Can Cost as Little as $200
- Podman and Buildah for Docker users
- Processing 40 TB of code from ~10 million projects with a dedicated server and Go for $100
- Programmers can’t write algorithms without help: once more about the interview
- Programming Languages InfoQ Trends Report - October 2019
- Remember Clusterman? Now It’s Open-Source, and Supports Kubernetes Too!
- RepairApp: A serverless overview
- ReSearchITEng/kubeadm-playbook
- Security assessment techniques for Go projects
- Server Streaming with gRPC and .NET Core
- Should I pick DigitalOcean or AWS for my next project?
- sloop - Kubernetes History Visualization
- So you want to learn Microservices?
- Software Engineering Genba
- Stateful Workloads and the Two Data Center Conundrum – Red Hat OpenShift Blog
- Staticcheck in Action
- Streamline 3.0
- Testing Cloudflare workers
- The 64 Milliseconds Manifesto
- The demise of docker and the rise of kubernetes
- The Difference Between Fault Tolerance, High Availability, & Disaster Recovery
- The End of Agile
- The Maturing of QUIC
- The naive myth of architecture as “free goodies”
- The pointlessness of daily standups
- The true architect’s way (AKA ShuHaRi)
- The Value in Go’s Simplicity
- This is hardly surprising at all. There used to be lots of complaints, both inte… : Hacker News
- Tools for turning descriptions into diagrams
- Top 12 LinkedIn profile tips in 2019 that you should implement right away
- uber-go/guide
- Unlike Babies, the Best Managers Come with Instructions
- Using Kustomize with Cluster API Manifests
- What is the German word for: “It only works when I try to show you how it does not work”?
- What nobody tells you about documentation
- Why Everyone Working in DevOps Should Read The Toyota Way
- Why software developers (quite honestly) hate Agile
- Working from Home
- Working with Errors in Go 1.13
- Would aliens understand lambda calculus?
- Yes, You Should Estimate Software Projects