Linki 2019-09-29
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- .NET Core ❤ gRPC
- “Stubs” in the .NET Runtime
- Container-native load balancing on GKE now generally available
There's at least a 60% chance that I could start talking about a fictitious @awscloud MoonBase and I'd be suspected of breaking an NDA somewhere.
— Corey Quinn (@QuinnyPig) September 15, 2019- Event Modeling: What is it?
- Hacktoberfest - DigitalOcean
- How to deploy a Windows container on Google Kubernetes Engine
- HTTP/3: the past, the present, and the future
We learned that @NASA will be flying Kubernetes clusters to the moon 🚀#GitLabCommit
— 🦊 GitLab (@gitlab) September 18, 2019- Introducing IHostLifetime and untangling the Generic Host startup interactions Exploring ASP.NET Core 3.0 - Part 5
- Liveness Probes are Dangerous
- On Sharding
- Poor man’s PoE for Raspberry pi-3 under ~$2
- Programming-Idioms
- Serverless: 15% slower and 8x more expensive
- Setting HTTP header attributes to enable Azure authentication/authorization using HTTPRepl
- Standard Go Project Layout
- The Technical Challenges of Building Cloudflare WARP
- WARP is here (sorry it took so long)
You do pay for idle but in a different way. If your Lambda function responds in single digit milliseconds, you are getting charged for 100ms or >10x than what your function actually consumed. Including if the function is sleeping or waiting for network traffic with an idle CPU
— Cristian Măgherușan-Stanciu 🌿☁️ (@magheru_san) September 26, 2019- What’s the difference between a console, a terminal, and a shell?
- When TCP sockets refuse to die — Idea of the day
- Who Cares About Functional Programming?