Linki 2019-09-16
Jeśli chcesz dostawać powiadomienia na maila to możesz zapisać się tutaj. Możesz też zasubskrybować bota na Facebookowym messengerze.
- A Buttplug Hacker Talks Security, Consent, and Why He Hacked a Buttplug
- A Closer Look at Recent HTTP/2 Vulnerabilities Affecting K8s and Other Implementations
- A Manager’s Guide to Kubernetes Adoption
- A Very Cold Take on IBM, Red Hat and Their Hybrid Cloud Hyperbole
- Adding NetlifyCMS to your VuePress website
- Amazon AWS Outage Shows Data in the Cloud is Not Always Safe
- An explanation of the difference between Isolation levels vs. Consistency levels
- An Introduction to Kustomize
- Announcing etcd 3.4
- Announcing Maesh, a Lightweight and Simpler Service Mesh Made by the Traefik Team
- API Gateways are going through an identity crisis
- Architecting Containers Part 1: Why Understanding User Space vs. Kernel Space Matters
- Arcs of Seniority
- BLUF: The Military Standard That Can Make Your Writing More Powerful
- Bringing Serverless to a Web Page Near you with Hugo & Kubernetes
- Capiche
- Career Move
- Choosing a cloud DBMS: architectures and tradeoffs
- Civilized discussion for your
- Command Query Segregation | Object-Oriented Design Principles w/ TypeScript
- Cosmic Notes
- CSRF is (really) dead
- Curl Cookbook
My full income progression from a career in tech as a full-time employee (writing code, individual contributor):
— Daniel Vassallo (@dvassallo) August 23, 2019
2008: €25K
2009: €30K
2010: €55K
2011: €75K
2012: $120K
2013: $155K
2014: $186K
2015: $230K
2016: $393K
2017: $467K
2018: $511K Definitions of Software Architecture
- kuma - yet another service mesh
- Don’t get locked up into avoiding lock-in
- dynamo-cassandra-proxy
- Embarrassingly easy private certificate management for VMs on AWS, GCP, and Azure
- exFAT in the Linux kernel? Yes!
- Facebook Paid Hundreds of Contractors to Transcribe Users’ Audio
- Fancy Zones
- Free software advocate Richard Stallman spoke at Microsoft Research this week
- From automatic differentiation to message passing
- Fyipe - Status Page, monitoring and on-call made simple.
- Generating strongly-typed IDs at build-time with Roslyn: Using strongly-typed entity IDs to avoid primitive obsession - Part 5
- Google accused of secretly feeding personal data to advertisers
- Google has secret webpages that feed your personal data to advertisers, report says
- Gopher Academy Blog
If you are running @FirefoxNightly on MacOS you will see a huge decrease of its power usage by a factor of about 3x, e.g when loading web pages! It's all about making use of CoreAnimation for rendering now. There is more to come... So don't forget to get the latest Nightly!
— Henrik Skupin (@whimboo) September 2, 2019- High-Availability SQLite
- How We Reduced Lambda Functions Costs by Thousands of Dollars
- Hugo and IPFS: how this blog works (and scales to serve 5,000% spikes instantly!)
- Integromat is the glue of the internet
- IT Governance: Everyone needs it even when they think they don’t
- jmoon018/PacVim
- K8up
- kabachook/k8s-security
- Kubernetes Operator for Apache Flink
- Learn Wardley Mapping
- Lessons from Stripe
- microsoft/PowerToys
- Mistake that cost thousands (Kubernetes, GKE)
- mxplusb/cloudflare-sync
- nsingla/api_generator
- ORMs are backwards
- Prefer ValueTask to Task, always; and don’t await twice
- Public Suffix List Problems
- Samsung Announces Standards-Compliant Key-Value SSD Prototype
- Software Architecture Guide
- spy16/fabric
- Terminarz
- The (not so) hidden cost of sharing code between iOS and Android
- The Cult of Kubernetes
- The old is the new New – Szymon Kulec
- The Paxos Algorithm or How to Win a Turing Award
- Things I Learnt from a Senior Software Engineer
- Understanding Data Transfer in AWS
- Understanding the risk profile of your technical debt
- Using Backblaze B2 and Cloudflare Workers for free image hosting
- vmware/octant
- We’re probably bad at job titles. And it’s OK.
- Web Architecture 101
- WeWTF | No Mercy / No Malice
- What a Senior Staff Software Engineer Actually Does
- What Really Makes a 10x Engineer
- Why Are So Many Developers Hating on Object-Oriented Programming?
For every retweet this gets, I will add an Uncomfortable @awscloud Truth to the thread.
— Corey Quinn (@QuinnyPig) September 15, 2019- Why Dns On Blockchain Is The Next Step After Dns Over Https
- Why Does Developing on Kubernetes Suck?
- Why Don’t We Just Call Agile What It Is: Feminist
- Why Percentiles Don’t Work the Way you Think
- Why scaling organizations is so difficult?
- Why the fuck are we templating yaml?
- Why we didn’t brew our Chai on AWS Lambda
- Zalando Tech Radar