Linki 2019-07-07

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  1. An Initial Look At The IBM POWER9 4-Core / 16-Thread CPU Performance On The Blackbird
  2. An Open Letter To The Go Team About Try
  3. Automating chaos experiments in production
  4. Awesome-docker
  5. Cloudflare outage caused by bad software deploy (updated)
  6. First-look: Automated K8s lifecycle with ClusterAPI
  7. Goodbye, Object Oriented Programming
  8. How to speak Silicon Valley: 53 essential tech-bro terms explained
  9. Huawei cryptographic keys embedded in Cisco firmware
  10. Hydra v1.0 is here!
  11. One SQL to rule them all: an efficient and syntactically idiomatic approach to management of streams and tables
  12. Sanic - Build lots of Docker images at once, then deploy them with Kubernetes
  13. Scaling from 2,000 to 25,000 engineers on GitHub at Microsoft
  14. So you think you know C?
  15. To run or not to run a database on Kubernetes: What to consider
  16. What do you think about ReactOS?