Linki 2019-05-26
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- “So I’ve been thinking a bit about Service Meshes, especially with the whole SMI (Service Mesh Interface) thing. (Thread) 1⁄18 As a tl;dr for […]”
- Building a To-Do List with Workers and KV
- Buying an IBM Mainframe
- Chris’s Wiki : blog/programming/GoIsGooglesLanguage
- Compress objects, not cache lines: an object-based compressed memory hierarchy
- Containers, microservices, and service meshes
- Employing QUIC Protocol to Optimize Uber’s App Performance
- Free online timeline maker
- Hello Service Mesh Interface (SMI): A specification for service mesh interoperability
- Introducing Terraform 0.12
- HostiFi 2.0: Why I’m completely rewriting my $5,735 MRR SaaS
- I don’t know how CPUs work so I simulated one in code
- Merging OpenTracing and OpenCensus: A Roadmap to Convergence
- Monitoring Linux Processes using Prometheus and Grafana
- nextdns
- GitHub Actions for deploying to GitHub Pages with Static Site Generators
- RPCValet: NI-driven tail-aware balancing of µs-scale RPCs
People would do business process orchestration in message broker layers. It's now common to see people doing the same in API gateways, which are fast becoming the Enterprise Service Bus of the microservices generation. 8/18
— Sam Newman (@samnewman) May 22, 2019- Securing Back-end App Service Web Apps with VNets and Service Endpoints
- Software-defined far memory in warehouse scale computers
- Static web - back to the roots?
- The Automator’s Dilemma
- The clusterfuck hidden in the Kubernetes code base
- Visual Studio Code Remote Development may change everything