Linki 2019-05-02
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- Bullshitters. Who Are They and What Do We Know about Their Lives?
- Accenture sued over website redesign so bad it Hertz: Car hire biz demands $32m+ for ‘defective’ cyber-revamp
A #serverless enthusiast walks into a bar, refactors the bartender as a Lambda function: Bartender nowhere to be seen, 1000 customers come in, first customer orders a beer, bartender arrives a bit slowly, next 999 beers delivered really fast, bartender dissapears again.
— Ari Palo (@aripalo) March 17, 2019- Backblaze Hard Drive Stats Q1 2019
- Can’t Git no satisfaction: why we need a new-gen source control
- Cloud Irregular: IAM Is The Real Cloud Lock-In
Counterpoint: 1 petabyte costs $12k a year or so in Glacier Deep Archive.
— Corey Quinn (@QuinnyPig) March 19, 2019- Data in a Flash, Part I: the Evolution of Disk Storage and an Introduction to NVMe
- Ergonomic Workstation Tool, Workspace Planner
- Erlang: The Movie (Fixed Audio)
- Foundations of Databases
- Go 1.13: xerrors
#serverless sevice mesh: when you have a constellation of independently-deployed microservices, each with a set of resources it wants to expose (API GW, S3 bucket, Kinesis stream either as source or sink), how do they dynamically discover and connect?
— Ben Kehoe (@ben11kehoe) March 20, 2019- Goodbye Joe
- Goto and the folly of dogma
- How On-Demand Pricing Slashed our DynamoDB Bill by 90%
- intel/nemu - Modern Hypervisor for the Cloud
- Introduction to LSM Trees: May the logs be with you
- Istio Observability with Go, gRPC, and Protocol Buffers-based Microservices
- License Zero // Enterpriseification
- Life of a binary
- Microsoft engineer complains that company is biased against white men
- Microsoft Build Accelerator - Microsoft/BuildXL
#serverless architectures render a good chunk of the monolith/microservice question moot. You've got a big infrastructure graph of services and functions. You can choose to draw deployment boundaries where it's best for you. It isn't a question of building one way or the other.
— Ben Kehoe (@ben11kehoe) March 15, 2019- Now
- Open-sourcing F14 for faster, more memory-efficient hash tables
- Should that be a Microservice? Keep These Six Factors in Mind
- SOA vs. EDA: Is Not Life Simply a Series of Events?
- The Climate and Cloudflare
- The TTY demystified
- Why OO Sucks