Linki 2019-04-07
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- 3 node.js scalability problems and how to solve them ?
- Amundsen — Lyft’s data discovery & metadata engine
“Teams spend too much time reacting to outages instead of building resilient systems” -@aaronrinehart #ChaosDay19
— 👩🏽💻✨Ana Margarita Medina ✨ (@Ana_M_Medina) March 28, 2019- Chinese developers use Github to protest against country’s 996 work schedule
- Chris’s Wiki : blog/tech/NVMeAndTechChange
- Agile Lite: Agile without all the burnout
- Error Handling in Go
- Establishing software root of trust unconditionally
- From alert to driver vulnerability: Microsoft Defender ATP investigation unearths privilege escalation flaw
- Ginseng: keeping secrets in registers when you distrust the operating system
- Go on, feast your eyes on… HMRC’s backend: 4,000 IT staff, its hookup with AWS and more
- I’m joining Cloudflare
- Idiomatic monads in Rust
- Introducing Warp: Fixing Mobile Internet Performance and Security
- Kubernetes 1.14: Local Persistent Volumes GA
- Kubernetes v1.14 delivers production-level support for Windows nodes and Windows containers
- Lessons from 300k+ Lines of Infrastructure Code
- Lessons in absurd optimization
- Lessons learned porting 50k loc from Java to Go
- Magic number (programming)
There are only two hard problems in distributed systems: 2. Exactly-once delivery 1. Guaranteed order of messages 2. Exactly-once delivery
— Mathias Verraes (@mathiasverraes) August 14, 2015- More Good Programming Quotes, Part 3
- OKRs Aren’t Going to Fix Your Communication Issues
- PostgreSQL performance on Raspberry Pi
- Programmatically restart pods in a Kubernetes cluster with Python
- Publishing GitHub Pages from Azure Pipelines
- Report: Optane DIMMs Provide Only Modest Performance Improvements
- The crux of voice (in)security: a brain study of speaker legitimacy detection
- The Persistence of Firefighting in Product Development
- The Unreasonable Effectiveness of SQL
- What is idempotence?
I've been working on Google's cryptography policy (for engineers). It fits in a tweet: Don't invent your own algorithms, don't design your own protocols, don't code your own implementations, don't manage your own keys, and do ask for advice.
— Tim Dierks (@tdierks) March 31, 2019- What the hell is OAuth?
- Which Programming Languages Use the Least Electricity?
- Why Senior Devs Write Dumb Code and How to Spot a Junior From A Mile Away
- Why serverless is still in its infancy