Linki 2019-03-10
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- 2019 Database Trends – SQL vs. NoSQL, Top Databases, Single vs. Multiple Database Use
- 5 Linux Terminal Commands That You Needed The Whole Time
- 50 Shades of Go: Traps, Gotchas, and Common Mistakes for New Golang Devs
- 7 Unix Commands Every Data Scientist Should Know
- A generalised solution to distributed consensus
- Achieving 100k connections per second with Elixir
- baseds – Medium
- Better Language Models and Their Implications
Kubernetes Borg/Omega history topic 2: Borg had Machine key/value attributes that could be used in scheduling constraints. Borgmon had target labels to convey application topology, environment, and locale. But Jobs themselves didn't originally have k/v labels.
— Brian Grant (@bgrant0607) March 9, 2019- Build a CI/CD pipeline for API Management
- codercom/code-server
So in @lyft's S-1 today they announced that they're paying $300 million a year to AWS between 2019 and 2021. (1/16)
— Corey Quinn (@QuinnyPig) March 1, 2019What the blue hell is this byzantine GCP pricing model?!
— Corey Quinn (@QuinnyPig) March 5, 2019
$120K a year, use whatever you want, at the end of the year you either pay for overages and then walk away, or re-up your contract and the cycle repeats, UNLESS you master the wolf, in which case Diving into Technical SEO using Cloudflare Workers
- Every IT Professional Should Work in a Mainframe Environment (…at some point)
- Facebook’s Privacy Cake
- facebook/folly
- Friday Five: NHibernate Querying in Core 2.2 Framework, Azure NSG, and More!
- Google Cloud Platform
- Gotify
- How does your cloud storage grow? With a scalable plan and a price drop
- Introducing Kraken, an Open Source Peer-to-Peer Docker Registry
- Introduction to Theoretical Computer Science
- Is it a Duck or a Rabbit? For Google Cloud Vision, it depends how the image is rotated. [OC]
- A quick look at QUIC
- Keeping CALM: when distributed consistency is easy
Me: Why do you want multi-cloud?
— Keith Townsend (@CTOAdvisor) March 5, 2019
CTO: I want to put the workload on the cheapest compute platform.
Me: Multi-cloud for workload mobility is really hard. What value is the savings going to bring the business?
CTO: Reduced IT costs.
Me: 🤨- Killing Kubernetes
- Microservices, Containers and Kubernetes in 10 minutes
- On Disk IO, Part 1: Flavors of IO
- On Ways To Agree, Part 1: DistSys Vocabulary
- Open-sourcing homomorphic hashing to secure update propagation
- P2P Docker registry capable of distributing TBs of data in seconds
- Serverless collaboration
- Setting up Jenkins X on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
- Stop Wasting Connections, Use HTTP Keep-Alive
- Stuff The Internet Says On Scalability For March 8th, 2019
- The 2 Most Important Software Dev Skills Aren’t Technical
- Title:The Shutdown Problem: How Does a Blockchain System End?
- Understanding Real-World Concurrency Bugs in Go
- Using a Yubikey as smartcard for SSH public key authentication
- Using Machine Learning to Ensure the Capacity Safety of Individual Microservices
- VS Code on Your Server
- Why Global Edge Fabric? Or Why we built a truly coordination-free distributed database for edge computing
- Why Go?
- Why You Should Use Kubernetes In Your Projects
- You Don’t Need All That Complex/Expensive/Distracting Infrastructure
Look what I’ve got here! A Database Internals book. Just imagine that it’s a bass. Data bass.
— Alex P (@ifesdjeen) March 6, 2019