Linki 2019-03-10

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  1. 2019 Database Trends – SQL vs. NoSQL, Top Databases, Single vs. Multiple Database Use
  2. 5 Linux Terminal Commands That You Needed The Whole Time
  3. 50 Shades of Go: Traps, Gotchas, and Common Mistakes for New Golang Devs
  4. 7 Unix Commands Every Data Scientist Should Know
  5. A generalised solution to distributed consensus
  6. Achieving 100k connections per second with Elixir
  7. baseds – Medium
  8. Better Language Models and Their Implications
  9. Build a CI/CD pipeline for API Management
  10. codercom/code-server
  11. Diving into Technical SEO using Cloudflare Workers
  12. Every IT Professional Should Work in a Mainframe Environment (…at some point)
  13. Facebook’s Privacy Cake
  14. facebook/folly
  15. Friday Five: NHibernate Querying in Core 2.2 Framework, Azure NSG, and More!
  16. Google Cloud Platform
  17. Gotify
  18. How does your cloud storage grow? With a scalable plan and a price drop
  19. Introducing Kraken, an Open Source Peer-to-Peer Docker Registry
  20. Introduction to Theoretical Computer Science
  21. Is it a Duck or a Rabbit? For Google Cloud Vision, it depends how the image is rotated. [OC]
  22. A quick look at QUIC
  23. Keeping CALM: when distributed consistency is easy
  24. Killing Kubernetes
  25. Microservices, Containers and Kubernetes in 10 minutes
  26. On Disk IO, Part 1: Flavors of IO
  27. On Ways To Agree, Part 1: DistSys Vocabulary
  28. Open-sourcing homomorphic hashing to secure update propagation
  29. P2P Docker registry capable of distributing TBs of data in seconds
    1. Porad kilka dla inżyniera danych –
  30. Serverless collaboration
  31. Setting up Jenkins X on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  32. Stop Wasting Connections, Use HTTP Keep-Alive
  33. Stuff The Internet Says On Scalability For March 8th, 2019
  34. The 2 Most Important Software Dev Skills Aren’t Technical
  35. Title:The Shutdown Problem: How Does a Blockchain System End?
  36. Understanding Real-World Concurrency Bugs in Go
  37. Using a Yubikey as smartcard for SSH public key authentication
  38. Using Machine Learning to Ensure the Capacity Safety of Individual Microservices
  39. VS Code on Your Server
  40. Why Global Edge Fabric? Or Why we built a truly coordination-free distributed database for edge computing
  41. Why Go?
  42. Why You Should Use Kubernetes In Your Projects
  43. You Don’t Need All That Complex/Expensive/Distracting Infrastructure