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W ostatnim tygodniu: Lidl przyznał się do porażki we wdrażaniu SAP, czym jest SLI, SLA i SLO, trochę na temat jak zbudowane i zoptymalizowane jest haveibeenpwned. Z dowcipów tygodnia, warto poczytać o modelu do predykcji na mistrzostwa świata przygotowanym przez Goldman Sachs.


W Azure dwa ciekawe ogłoszenia z mojej perspektywy. Pierwszym i biznesowym jest umowa pomiędzy Microsoft i Walmart.

Microsoft and Walmart are teaming up for a strategic partnership that will take on rival Amazon in both technology and retail. Walmart is announcing today, at Microsoft’s Inspire partner conference, that it’s partnering with Microsoft to use the company’s cloud services. The five-year agreement will see Walmart use Azure and Microsoft 365 across the company, alongside new projects focused on machine learning, artificial intelligence, and data platforms.

Drugim jest Azure Service Fabric Mesh. W uproszczeniu, jest to nowy model aplikacyjny implementujący podejście Service Mesh na Azure Service Fabric i jest ono proste jak na Kubernetes, ale docelowo zapewniające o wiele większe możliwości i stabilność. Można powiedzieć, że jest to przyszłość, o której wspomina Brendan Burns w QA na temat przyszłości Kubernetes.

Brendan Burns: I’m kind of hoping that people stop thinking about Kubernetes so much. I kind of feel like Kubernetes is the assembly language for Cloud Native applications. I hope, in five years, we think of Kubernetes kind of like we think of the x86 or ARM assembly language. Sure, it’s there running underneath our programs, but on a day-to-day basis we consume higher level abstractions that make us more productive as developers and operators of applications. With Kubernetes we’ve laid the foundation of a truly cloud-native runtime, but we’ve got a lot of work ahead of us to build the right programming models that make it easy for everyone to consume.

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Linki z mojego Pocketa

Backblaze Durability is 99.999999999% — And Why It Doesn’t Matter

Most companies think they are unique, and special, and feel justified in needed to customize, all those companies are wrong.

Szczera prawda o tym, jak Javowcy widzą świat

This is the prism through which Java programmers view the world. They never question this belief. It also works well to justify an acquisition of more servers to investors. Investing tons of efforts into IT, building complicated deployment and clustering software etc. This is what happens in the company I work for, and couple of mid-size to big companies I worked for before.

mozumder: What kind of numbers are they talking about for it to be “large-scale”? One well designed fast app server can serve 1000 requests per second per processor core, and you might have 50 processor cores in a 2U rack, for 50,000 requests per second. For database access, you now have fast NVMe disks that can push 2 million IOPS to serve those 50,000 accesses. 50,000 requests per second is good enough for a million concurrent users, maybe 10-50 million users per day. If you have 50 million users per day, then you’re already among the largest websites in the world. Do you really need this sort of architecture for your startup system?

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